Original Post Date: 04.02.17

What a movie! If you haven’t watched Pet (2016) yet, do yourself a favor and go watch it right now, like, at this moment, do not even waste precious minutes reading this post, just find the movie online and watch it immediately –it doesn’t matter it’s eleven pm on a Sunday, just go watch it NOW!


I applaud writers and directors who do an amazing job at surprising me. Yes, you must have an original script to work with but you also must have someone who can translate it into images. And actors, high-caliber actors who not only master the art of being human but also who make you care for their characters. When you combine talent like that, you get movies like Pet. Oh man! What a beauty!

Now, in regards to the characters, you have Holly who is your average hardworking American woman, one more waitress/writer flooding the streets of L.A., one more of us with struggles and dreams. And bad luck.

Also, you have Seth, your average hardworking American man, one more whose life seems to be absorbed by monotony and shyness, one more of us with fears and loneliness. And bad luck.

Appearances are deceiving, yes, we already knew that, but, how deceiving are they really? How badly can you judge someone based on how they look or what they do for a living? How defenseless is a woman walking home by herself at night? Likewise, how non-threatening can be that quiet guy who minds his own business and never gets in trouble? How far can you go to feel special? How far can you go to save someone?

I am happy for you, yes you reading this. If you did what I asked you to at the beginning of this entry, then you must be enjoying the first minutes of the film and about to get your mind blown. On the other hand, if you didn’t, well, good for you but seriously, go watch the goddamn movie right now, would you?

This fresh blood made me feel proud to be a horror fan. HORROR IS THE SHIT!
