Me Against The World: The Bye Bye Man (2017)

I finally got to watch The Bye Bye Man (2017) and I am surprised at how much I did not dislike it. I repeat, I did not dislike The Bye Bye Man. Seriously, after some of my favorite horror youtubers gave it terrible, unmannerly reviews and basically called it a piece of shit, I was expecting to have a good time on my own by pointing out all the things that made it laughably bad for me but, ahem, I just found one thing that made me roll my eyes hard and it was the CGI dog. That’s it.

I cannot express how much I trusted others’ opinions and was expecting to have a blast tonight by poking fun at the movie but, instead, I was left with a weird feeling because it made me wonder stuff about myself like, do I enjoy shitty movies? Or even worse, have I lost touch and cannot longer distinguish good from bad horror? And most importantly, what other movies have I watched (or not watched) due to my taking recommendations blindly from people I admire in the horror community?

Oh brother, The Bye Bye Man was supposed to give me ninety minutes of easy entertainment where I was going to laugh, perhaps make some jokes, and call it a night. Instead, it made me take a look at myself and open my eyes to what I have potentially missed for being a follower. Fuck.


Like I said, the movie was not that bad in my opinion which, yes, kind of makes me sound like an insane person for admitting it. I mean, the general disapproval is real, just google the reviews and the whole internet will shout their hate towards it. I am not exaggerating, people HAAAAATE it.

I don’t know. I need to go and gather my thoughts. I was not expecting this.


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