House of 1000 Corpses (2003)

Original Post Date: 10.23.16

If we’ve ever met, then you already know that my favorite movie is House of 1000 Corpses (2003) by Rob Zombie. But why? Why is House of 1000 Corpses my favorite movie? WHY!? Well my friend, you are in luck because I am here today to tell you exactly that.

But before we get our hands dirty, I need to acknowledge that the only reason why I am writing this post is because I got reminded today about how much I love the movie—yes, sometimes I need to be reminded of the obvious things in my life—thanks to today’s #itshorrorween entry for Oct 23, Movie You’ve Watched Way Too Many Times. So while I was browsing the internet for some cool shots of the movie I’ve seen numerous times—three at the theater, countless at home—I started feeling nostalgia. Nostalgia for the old days and the old me.


The year was 2003 and I was in college, experiencing the best time of my life as a young woman. Oh man, I had so much fun I tell you! Well, getting back to the point… I was already a Rob Zombie fan at that time, but I only knew his work as a musician and had no idea he had released his very first film, House of 1000 Corpses aka La Casa de los Mil Cuerpos. My brother was the one telling me about it (he was the cool one and knew what was trending) so he and I went to the movies together after class.


WE HAD SUCH A GOOD TIME!! It is incredible to me that I still remember that day; we went to the Cinepolis by our house, the movie theater was pretty much empty, I sat to the left and my brother sat to the right and the only reason why I remember that insignificant detail is because when I turned my head (to the right) to see how he was doing I saw him rocking to the opening title music. He was completely in the moment and my heart was joyful for seeing him having fun.

This was the opening title music:

I cannot find the correct words to express my feelings during the movie. It was not just a movie anymore. It was proof that life could be amazing and that there were no limits, no rules. This concept was presented in front of me in the form of a film. A film that was so incredibly fresh that I could feel my brain changing, opening, absorbing, adapting.

The film embraced the bad guys. They were human. They had flaws and attributes. They were ugly and beautiful. And powerful, always powerful and in control.

The artistry of the film was visually captivating, there was such a flow, such a rhythm. Likewise, the score and soundtrack music was so primal and raw, yet, elevated at a new level.


We liked the movie so much that my brother and I went to see the movie again which was, to be honest, a phenomenon on its own as we never hanged out together due to us having our own cliques, his was with the cool kids and mine was with the goths.

I went to see the movie for a third time, but now by myself, and by this point I already knew who my favorite character was, I mean, after three times watching him on the big screen I knew Otis was my homie as I identified with him somehow, just don’t read too much into it, okay?

Months passed before I was able to buy the DVD but once I did, it was me watching it like nobody’s business! I watched it when I was happy, when I was sad, when I was stressed… the movie became my guardian angel; this might sound completely idiotic to you and I get it, but we all have that one thing that grounds us and gives us hope — the movie reminds me of how weird and passionate I am and gives me hope for the future as it inspires me to push forward.

So that is it. That is why House of 1000 Corpses is my favorite movie. That is why I have watched it way too many times. Thank you for reading, friend, I’ll talk to you soon.

In Love and Fear,
